На 89-й минуте поединка полузащитник хозяев Йонуц Паун получил тяжелую травму, и на поле выехала машина скорой помощи.
Surreal, absolutely surreal. 2019. This is actually happening in Romania. A player broke his clavicle and needed immediate attention from the medical staff on the ambulance. First, they forgot to close the door. Then, the driver went missing!!! WENT MISSING! 1/2 pic.twitter.com/VNuGmsSm6V
— Emanuel Roşu (@Emishor) 18 августа 2019 г.
После 6-минутного ожидания водителя, тот еще не сразу уехал, а стал скрупулезно заполнять бумаги прямо в кабине автомобиля.
Surreal, absolutely surreal. 2019. This is actually happening in Romania. A player broke his clavicle and needed immediate attention from the medical staff on the ambulance. First, they forgot to close the door. Then, the driver went missing!!! WENT MISSING! 1/2 pic.twitter.com/VNuGmsSm6V
— Emanuel Roşu (@Emishor) 18 августа 2019 г.